Friday, March 4, 2011

Welcome. May I Pour You Some Coffee?

Hello,  Welcome to the community blog of Christ the King Lutheran Church in St Peters, MO.  We are a friendly group of people who celebrate our faith through fellowship.  Every gathering ends with "and don't forget to give us the recipe." 

We've written recipes on notecards and napkins.  We've printed cookbooks.  We've emailed and remailed.  Now it is time to put our favorites out there where we can always find them.

So pull up a chair.  Pour yourself a cup of coffee and enjoy our recipes and partake of our fellowship through the comments.    We are glad you are here.  

Lord be with you.  

1 comment:

  1. Hi. I noticed that you haven't had any new recipes lately. I think maybe a couple of things may help you correct this:
    1. Give multiple people editing rights to this blog. The more (trusted) people that can make changes and add recipes, the more it will get updated with new schtuff...
    2. Advertise it more at church (church bulletin, monthly newletter, website, Facebook page, bulletin board in the narthex, etc...).
    3. Provide a "Contact Me" link on your blog so people can send you recipes from the blog.
    4. Find other like-minded blogs from other churches and follow/comment on them. It might be nice to see what recipes other churches from around the country are doing.

    I hope you keep this blog going - I really like it and have tried a few of the recipes. :)

    Good luck!


This is a Christian blog. Please respect our community values. Amen. (Comments are in moderation. Please be patient.)